Monday, June 27, 2011


angkhangAbout 20 kilometers before the parties closed the RTE 1249 in Doi well-being of Thailand's "Little Switzerland", KM 25 to 1300 meters from the highway and the temperate climate throughout the year, to support growing flowers, vegetables and fruits. Wood are usually found only in very cold weather. Click here to learn more!
Several tribal villages, such as Ban Luang, Ban-kun classes Bangma and frogs, and the forest can be visited on the slopes. Many of these villages to support the Royal agricultural projects in Chiang Mai, Thailand, Doi well-being of the route map, ride a bicycle and explore the forest village. Good sources of information, Mr. Doi environmental well-being is the natural resorts and well-being Macku mule riding, cycling and hiking to the hill tribe villages of the area.
Off before the nineteen kilometers to Doi well-being, you can make a detour on the RTE 107 west 12 km dirt road off to visit a house with old-fashioned feel bou KMT Yunnan.
Path is more beautiful is the "Road to Doi well-being of many RTE 1178, the wind along the mountain ridge to the west slope. Follow this road until I recently visited on a regular basis joint Arunothai China. (Part II Myanmar) military move YAA baa ( amphetamine tablets crude oil) across the border from Burma to the Thai market. Doi well-being on the road, I will not be interesting in a nearby village in Yunnan you will see a lot of horses and mules are still used to transport goods in the domestic .
Near the summit of Doi well-being of family values ​​and villages and left many parts of Yunnan.
Part of the Amari, well-being of the natural resorts (0 5345 0110; / rate; 1 / 5 classes 1 Wu Qin, Bank of America, Fang; ř 3000 - 3900B;) is a luxury hotel of the accident. Large, elegantly designed cottages located in a large slope, stone fireplace in the winter at both ends of the hall. There is a great restaurant, in one place, for the production of organic matter from a nearby agricultural, Royal said Macku, resort is a good source of information about regions, and provide clues to his tribal village. , Mountain bike, ride a mule to go, and bird watching. Arrangements for transfer to the resort a call.
Okinawa Guest House (053,450,008; class-kun, Bank of America, Fang; each 350B) with eight bungalows large shared hot shower and toilet.
At the base of the slope the second open-air restaurant serves a variety of foods is important in Thailand and the Yunnan Muslim

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